I have photographed the Tomeys for several years so it was great to finally meet their youngest and nephews. I just loved this photo of the kids walking! To see the slide show and more photos click here.

I also was able to sneak in Michelle's family and her maternity shoot before I left for Aruba. She was due right as I was leaving so it was great I was able to get it in. Hope the baby has arrived and can't wait to meet and photograph her!

I have also finished with Johnny and Missy's album, as well as Michelle and her mom's.
And of course I can't leave out the Kusta's. This was the second time I have photographed them and again they were awesome. It's amazing how quickly kids grow! You can also see their slide show and photos here.

As for other updates... Karen and I celebrated our 28th birthday yesterday! yikes! No I don't feel any older :) and my parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday too! That is so crazy and so inspiring to be together for 40 years!!!
Our addition is also coming along... FINALLY! I can't hear anything over hear again as the floor guy is sanding the hard wood floors, but at this point I don't care, it will be well worth all the dust, noise and waiting when it's done!
Here's what's next to come... Kim and Billy I'll be ordering your photos soon so you should have your book in a couple weeks! Kristen and Paul, your slide show will be up soon... promise.
Nicole's family shoot will hopefully be up by next week if not sooner and Stephanie and Anthony's engagement pics too! I haven't forgotten about the rest of you just trying to keep everything in order!
Enjoy this amazing weather that we're having and don't be afraid to drop me a line!
Hey Kim,
Does that mean that our slideshow will be up next? Hope you are doing well. Take care. Love, Lisa and Chris
Hey Lisa& Chris-
Thanks for writing! I'm working on June 27th, then 29th, then yours... so hopefully not too long! sorry for the delay, the vacations and construction at the house has really slowed me down!
how was the honeymoon?!
Hey Kim, That's fine, I understand. I was just wondering. I have been checking on and off just to see how far you've gotten. We had an awesome time on the honeymoon, thank you. Aruba was great. Chris said he would go back so that's a good sign. Sounds like you had a good time in Aruba as well. Good luck with your house. Talk to you soon. Take care, Lisa
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