You guys really were so adorable and although the weather wasn't Aruba perfect, I'm super excited for all the great things we will get there! This was one of my favorites, it was just sincere and showed how much they love each other and how cute they are!
Did anyone check out the end of their slide show? I love how they tried to do the little, in the air skip thing... it really just goes to show they are up for anything and so fun! I loved you guys!
Anyway, on a different note, a sad note, our little Kacey isn't doing well. Her blasts are now at 66% and the doctors haven't given her much more time on here with us. I can only imagine the pain and emotions that family must be feeling as I feel I have plenty and I don't even really know the girl. There is no reason a family or a child of any age should go through all that they have gone through and I really just pray she doesn't suffer and hope her family heals from the tragedy they have had in the last few years! uggh. Thinking of you guys all the time.

My college roommate just had her second child, another beautiful girl, and here is her birth announcement... isn't she beautiful?! We had fun doing this shoot, her 2 1/2 year old is so fun and challenging but adorable and fun to photograph. I'll post more of those photos at some point hopefully soon! Anyway in case you don't know I do custom birth announcements and custom invites etc so if you or someone you know needs anything let me know!
I'm off to meet my girlfriend for lunch, have a fantastic Tuesday, and enjoy the nice weather!
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