So I just got back from the Adacemy of Ideas at the Aqua Turf hosted by Barker Specialty. As soon as I drove into the lot I notice this large yellow truck with MY advertisement on the back! I have to say it was pretty cool to drive in and see that! Hopefully you will all see it on the highway at one point or another and see for yourselves! The show itself was really cool... who knew there were so many ideas of crazy things out there, I certainly didn't but really enjoyed seeing everything.
Well I'm off to a meeting but just wanted to share the advertising news and photos with you!
Have a great afternoon!
How cool is that!?!?! So happy for you and all your success. :-)
Thanks Liz! Hope you enjoyed your slide show! Thanks for writing a comment!
All I have to say is WOW!! That's so neat! I love the design of it!
Thanks Sandra! It's fun! thanks for writing on my blog! yay I love when people write!
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