Thursday, February 24, 2011

Newborn Baby 'A'

After having my own newborn I enjoy photographing others that much more, and I guess because as much as they are all the same, they are all so different! Baby 'A' was such a good girl for her shoot, she was awake, and asleep and gave us some great photo ops! I feel like she was posing with her hand to her face in this photo
I love all these with the cute little hat her mom brought, what's not to love about naked babies!
Just look at her adorable features and how peaceful she is!
It amazes me how quickly babies grow but I've noticed how quickly their hands and feet grow too. I love this because I feel like it shows her age w/ her clenched fist, you know she's a tiny peanut!
This is another favorite, I love how soundly 'A' is sleeping even when we put the weight of her parents rings on her piggy toes. I love what this stands for too!

There is something about this adorable grin that just captured me and check out that little dimple in her cheek!
So sleepy :)
I had such a great time meeting and photographing this sweet little girl. I can't wait to see her in a few months to see how much she's grown in such a short period of time. If you are expecting or have a little one you'd like to have photographed, send me an email and set up your appointment today!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Inspire Project 52-47

There are SO many things that I could write about with the Love topic that 4 weeks just simply won't cover, but in this I kind-of got a 6 for 1! Watch how many things just in this simple photo that I love! Love... I love more than life itself, more than I ever thought possible, my son, Michael. What's not to love? I also Love my mom for making this Valentines tie, which he is so freaking handsome in! I love the swing that he is napping in. I love my husband for his dashing good looks that he passed down to my son. I love Old Navy and Carters for making cute boy clothes (because I didn't think they existed before I had him) and mostly I love my Canon cameras for letting me capture this moment and sharing it all with you! Come out of the snow banks folks and share some of your LOVE with me!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Inspire Project 52-48

This months 'category' for our Inspire project is LOVE. It was kind of a toughie, was it things you love, places you love, people you love, what is love? But then we figured we could classify it any way we wanted, but what better month than February to show Love?! I'm sure all of you would expect to see photos of my son, which I'm sure there will be, but I'm trying to think a little outside of the norm and come up with other things too... and something I do love... my starbies!!! I don't know why that $6.00 cup gets me all excited, but it does! Of course I can honestly admit that I've never had a real cup of coffee from them, but I just LOVE all their speciality drinks, yum!!! So what is it that you think of with LOVE? (Kristen S this was your idea, I best see or at least hear about your love!!!)