So far being a mom is just the greatest feeling in the world and I wouldn't change it for anything! I am so in love with my son and with my husband and couldn't be a happier girl! I am blessed with a great baby and an amazing job that lets me stay home during the week and watch him, and take photos of him :)
I hope you find my son a good enough excuse for the delays in posting! I truly had all the events done before his arrival just couldn't find a free hand or minute to post after his arrival, so now that he is five weeks old, I'm starting to get things down in how to really multi task and be a mom and a business owner at once!
More pictures and stories to come!
I will of course appologize for what I'm sure is to come... ENDLESS photos of my baby but I'll try and keep it to old some keepers! These photos here were taken at 3 weeks, but I didn't post anything as I wasn't sure what I was putting in his birth announcement/holiday card, so now that is designed it was safe to post :)