Thursday, October 28, 2010

Meet the "C" Family

Last weekend, I went down to Branford to photograph the 'C' Family. Their property was picture perfect and just awesome to shoot at! It turns out we have more in common than we thought. We have a mutual friend who recommended me to them, and it turns out I knew A, as she is a midwife at the practice, so now I'm just looking forward to her meeting my new family... in the delivery room :) Wishful thinking anyway! Anyway, check out their beautiful family and perfect little boy!!!
The 'C' Family"E" was SUCH a good boy, he was full of smiles
Look at this happy grin!
He was laughing so hard he kept falling over, it was hysterical.
Playing w/ the sand on the beach
Love this, perfect backdrop, perfect baby!
Look at this smile
Love these big eyes!!
"E" and daddy... they are so happy!
'E' found Mommies belly with his baby brother, who he'll get to meet in February!
Such a handsome little one!

One happy family
I love this of 'E' and mommy hanging on the beach
A great family picture
They even have a great dog, George :)
A & D- It was awesome to come to your place and photograph your family. There are so many adorable pictures of "E" I can't stand how cute he is, I'm sure the next one will be just as good! Enjoy.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The 'S' Kids

Due to so many awesome clients I have been kept super busy both during the week and weekends this fall, and I feel blessed! The 'S' Family has been apart of KLP for years and it was so fun to continue the tradition. Meet these little ones.
We even got Rocco to pose for a photo
I think they look so much like siblings it's crazy!
They were such good listeners for me!
Look at those smiles, mommy was doing some sort of funny dance behind my back!
Love these faces!
A & T- The kids get cuter and cuter every year, it's amazing how much one changes in a year too! Thanks for letting me capture you little ones! Enjoy.

The "H' family 2010

Last weekend I went up to the other side of CT to photograph and "old" family of mine. I think I started with them back in 2003 and have done them ever since. This year was slightly different as in years past they have usually had these bold, daring, often crazy photography locations in mind, and this year they took it easy on waddling big me, and stayed right in their back yard. Regardless we still got some great shots!
M&K just a classic, I love it.
So much of what this family does is "different" which I love, I can't wait to see what unique things we come up with as the kids get older and older :)
Dad and the kids
"M" striking a pose

Another classic "h" family pose
V&T- Glad the shoot worked out again this year. Thanks again for bearing with me and for keeping it tame for me and my unborn :) We'll have to make up for it next year! Enjoy!

The 'F' Girls

On Friday I met the 'F' girls at Twin Brooks Park in Trumbull to do their annual photo shoot. It was a windy cold day, but that didn't manage to stop us!! The girls are so cute and amazing how much the little ones have grown in a year! Here are some favs:Love that big cheese!
'H' the oldest and greatest helper!
Cousin 'E'
Little 'S'
The three little munchkins, how cute is this?
The whole gang
Sisters too!
K & K- Great to see you and your girls, they were troopers through the cold and wind and I think we got some great stuff to work with! Next year we'll pick a warmer day! Hope you enjoy!

Monday, October 25, 2010

The 'S' Family

While I was in Fairfield shooting the 'C' family I also swung by and photographed the 'S' family. They used to be neighbors, so this has worked out really well! We lucked out with a BEAUTIFUL fall day and their house was filled with picture perfect backdrops for great portraits! The kids were great, and get along so well!
Gotta love the pig piles!!!
Isn't she adorable, such a poser!
The oldest
The middle
Brotherly Love! I love this picture!
And a great one of the 3 of them!
V & D- I had a blast with your kids, and they are just as cute as ever. Your property is stunning and made for some great photos, that and of course your good looking children! Hope you enjoy the photos!