Last weekend, I went down to
Branford to photograph the 'C' Family. Their property was picture perfect and just awesome to shoot at! It turns out we have more in common than we thought. We have a mutual friend who recommended me to them, and it turns out I knew A, as she is a midwife at the practice, so now I'm just looking forward to her meeting my new family... in the delivery room :) Wishful thinking anyway! Anyway, check out their beautiful family and perfect little boy!!!
The 'C' Family

"E" was SUCH a good boy, he was full of smiles

Look at this happy grin!

He was laughing so hard he kept falling over, it was hysterical.

Playing w/ the sand on the beach

Love this, perfect backdrop, perfect baby!

Look at this smile

Love these big eyes!!
"E" and daddy... they are so happy!

'E' found Mommies belly with his baby brother, who he'll get to meet in February!

Such a handsome little one!

One happy family

I love this of 'E' and mommy hanging on the beach

A great family picture

They even have a great dog, George :)

A & D- It was awesome to come to your place and photograph your family. There are so many adorable pictures of "E" I can't stand how cute he is, I'm sure the next one will be just as good! Enjoy.