There are many of you out there that read this blog that don't know much about me, or especially my family, I guess because I didn't think the blog was a place to blab about all the personal things in my life that are not important to the rest of you, funny stories maybe, but you don't need my baggage in your every day life... however this is a story I feel I should share.
My father was diagnosed with Multiple
Myeloma, which is a form of cancer, just about a year ago. Since then we have "dealt" with it and taken the steps needed, nothing that really seemed to take a toll on him. Last week he started on heavy doses of chemo, and this week my mother and I have been spending from 7a.m to 2:00 p.m at Yale with him as he undergoes his stem cell transplant. The whole process is truly gross, and amazing all at the same time. I don't care too much for blood and needles so it wasn't my cup of tea, but my father took it like a trooper. He basically lays in the hospital bed with one needle drawing the blood out of one arm,
separating out the stem cells and putting back in the white and red blood cells through a needle in his other arm, I know sounds... weird! It doesn't appear to be painful just BORING, as he has to lay pretty still for four hours, and that of course means you can't get up to go to the bathroom either, which seemed to be
every ones issue!
Thankfully because dad did so well, yesterday was his last day of collections!!! This is the part of the story I really wanted to share because it just goes to show my dad's spirit. For those of you that know my dad, you can almost hear him saying this, and for those of you that don't know my dad, he's an amazing, kind man with a sense of humor, and a determined
attitude about all things in life. So yesterday when we are driving home, I turn to my dad and say, "how are you feeling?" he turns to me with a smile and says, "how am I feeling? (and in the tune of I've got
rhythm, I've got music) he joyfully sings, "I've got cancer... I've got cancer... I've got cancer, who could ask for anything more?!" With that we all burst out laughing and it was that moment that made me realize there was nothing that would stop this man. His attitude is so inspiring and he just proves that you deal the hand that life gives you and you make the most of that hand. I'm not saying that the cards were all dealt fairly because I definitely don't
believe that, but when you don't have control over the situation you minds well, Sing, and make the most of it :)
So now that you all know my story, will you please keep us in your prayers, for the next couple weeks as it will be the toughest times to go through, and please bear with me as I'm trying to get your photos, and albums done as quickly as I can.
Thanks for listening!