So here's my recap of 2008... aside from all the awesome weddings, bar/batmitzvahs, portraits etc that I have done, here are some highlights of my personal life in 2008.
In March my parents sold the house we grew up in and moved to a new house which is perfect for them, and we all love it... and honestly leaving that house wasn't nearly as sad as I had anticipated!
In May I was the maid of honor at my girlfriend Lisa's wedding... which was a great honor.
In June my in laws took us on an awesome cruise with my husbands sister, husband and kids, it was awesome!!!
Here's a photo of my handsome hubby and my oldest niece!

And a cute one of Mike and I

Once we got home from there we were back at the Goodwin to celebrate our first anniversary with a great dinner at Max

A couple weeks later,

all 8 of us and 2 of my parents best friends, it was like no other!

I also was able to photograph Steve and Tara on the beautiful beaches after their wedding for some awesome photos on the stunning beaches. This was one of my favorite shots!

The first weekend in September we took a trip out to Martha's vineyard for my oldest (meaning I've known the longest, not old in age!!!) friend, Kylle's wedding. It was a great experience. She used to take me there when we were kids, but I haven't been back in years nor had I ever shot a wedding there so it was awesome! The following weekend we were in Cape Cod for one of Mike's good friends weddings, which was also great!
In October, our addition was FINALLY finished, and it truly was worth it! We love every square inch of the house now and really utilize all of it! I don't know how we did with out it... the next task is finishing the studio so I can actually have meetings and more shoots in here! A good winter plan!
In October I also spent way to many days at Yale New Haven Hospital as my father underwent a stem cell transplant, however everything went perfectly and he recovered like the hero we always knew him to be and is back to work and doing fine. I can't say it wasn't stressful, scary, nerve racking etc, but he made it through with flying colors and that's all that matters!!!!!!!!!!
In November, we hosted or 2nd annual Thanksgiving here with 10 adults and 2 kids, it was great, I didn't have to get up at 4:30 am as I did last year and everything turned out great, if I can say so myself :)
I also had my 10 year high school reunion!!! Gosh that makes me feel old! I can't believe it was that long ago! It was much better than everyone anticipated and I can even say I had a good time!!!
As December strolled in so did TONS of holiday cards, I did more this year than ever in the past and it was great!!!

Sadly as we approached the week of Christmas, my sisters puppy, yes puppy, Maddie got very sick, we don't really know what happened, what caused it or what it was, but on

On Christmas eve we spent the majority of the day with my in-laws then went to church with my family, then back to my parents house to open our tradition of pajamas on Christmas eve, however this year was different. The past 28 years of my life, I have always slept at my parents house with my family, but this year it was different. After we opened pj's Mike and I went home, and again it wasn't as weird as I expected. A little sad but things change and there's nothing you can do about it!
We had the best Christmas day, it was so wonderful to spend it with both families and see the excitement in the kids yet come back to my family and enjoy the company of adults while we acted like children :) I have to say the true spirit of Christmas came out on Christmas morning. After all our presents were opened we found a mysterious envelope in the tree, labeled "K&J" and Kristen opened the card, her eyes filled with tears as she gazed at the photo of a cute little puppy on the front of the card, on the inside the card read something along the lines of hoping this Christmas you get everything you wished for, LOVE SANTA PAWS... and with that hundreds of dollars fell out of the card, my sister Karen, myself and Kristen all sat there crying and we knew what that meant. My sister Karen demonstrated the true meaning of Christmas, she gave even when she didn't have it to give, and when she was thanked for it, she said, "it wasn't from me it was from Santa" It was just a wonderful twist to a sad story.
On Saturday we celebrated my god daughters first birthday! This was a great way to show how quickly a year flew by! I can't believe she is already a year, and walking and all!

And tomorrow being the last day of 08, not a whole lot planned, hopefully a relaxing dinner with my wonderful hubby and friends, and ring in the new year that way.
So as we wrap up 2008, I'd like to thank all of you again for your business in 2008 and I am already excited to shoot in 2009! Without all of you there would be no KLP so thank you!
Wishing you ALL a happy and healthy 2009!